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Sep 27, 2024

Intro to Pickleball and Parkinson's

October 8th, 12:00-2:00pm

Quail Creek Pickleball Courts

Courts 1 & 2 and Upper Ramada

Parkinson’s patients, their caregivers, and Quail Creek residents are invited to hear Kathryn Riley, a pickleball player with Parkinson’s disease, talk about the benefits she experiences from playing pickleball, teach how to play pickleball, and discuss the study she created, in conjunction with Creighton University, on the benefits of pickleball for Parkinson’s patients.


This presentation is open to all Quail Creek residents.

Send questions to Lenny at or 541-890-1620.

Lenny Friedman

USA Pickleball Ambassador Green Valley/Sahuarita, AZ

Arizona Pickleball Education Ambassador

Parkinson's Support Group of Green Valley

Parkinson's Foundation

Social Committee Save-the-Dates

Oct 19th Fall Fest Social

The QCPC Social Committee is planning a Fall Fest Mixed Round Robin Social Saturday, October 19 from 4 – 6 PM. Following play there will be a light dinner of Subway sandwiches, chips, pumpkin pie and libations. Your cost is just $7 and non-players can join us for dinner. There will be a 50/50 raffle and lots of prizes after dinner. Registration will be available October 12th at 9:00 PM.

November USAP Finals Bus Trip

The Club is hoping to purchase group tickets to the USA Pickleball finals in Mesa in mid-November. If there is lots of interest, we will rent a bus for the round-trip transportation.

March Charity Event

We are planning a Women’s Pickleball gently used clothing sale in March with proceeds going to charity.



As I near the end of my September class offerings, I want to thank all that have participated. It was a great success! I averaged around 20 students per week and it’s been great to see familiar faces and meet new ones.


A reminder, I only have a couple days of classes left before I leave for all of October. If any availability is left and you want to take a lesson with me before I leave for the month, please sign up on Court Reserve for a regular class or contact me for a private lesson. Last day is October 2nd.



Upon my return, my new, 6-month season of classes start November 4th. If you truly want to learn about this game, improve your skills, and have FUN, please consider taking one of my classes. I am a certified PPI (Professional Pickleball Instructor) and have now taught over 400 different Quail Creek Club members since 2021.





Classes offered weekly / Levels: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5. Signup on COURT RESERVE (first come, first serve) Cost: $15 pp / Class Length: 90-minutes / Courts: TBA / Class Size: 8 students max / Times: 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm.    


Regular Class Schedule for November & December 2024:

2.5 LEVEL = (MONDAYS) – Nov. 4, 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9, 16, 30

2.0 LEVEL = (TUESDAYS) – Nov. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3, 10, 17

3.0 LEVEL = (WEDNESDAYS) – Nov. 6, 20, Dec. 4, 18 (FRIDAYS) – Nov. 15, Dec. 13

3.5 LEVEL = (THURSDAYS) – Nov. 7, 14, Dec. 5, 12, (FRIDAYS) – Nov. 22, Dec. 20


There will be weekly breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.


Kathy Palese (SNAP PICKLEBALL) will once again help out and co-teach several clinics with GQ PICKLEBALL throughout the season. Cost: $30 pp / Class Size: 10 students max / Class Length: 90-minutes / Courts: TBA / Times: 10am to 11:30am & 12noon to 1:30pm (3.0 & 3.5 students only). NEW! In November, we will have a question-and-answer session called “Court Side Chat”. A small portion of each 90-minute class will have the instructors entertain questions from the students regarding any pickleball topic they wish to discuss. Registered students will be asked to bring questions to class to share with instructors to help them with shot technique, equipment, game strategies, court positioning, fitness, or anything else related to pickleball.


Clinics with Kathy” Schedule for November/December 2024:

·      3.0 LEVEL = (WEDNESDAYS) – Nov. 13 & Dec. 11

(Two 90-minute sessions offered – 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm)

·      3.5 LEVEL = (THURSDAYS) – Nov. 21 & Dec. 19

(Two 90-minute sessions offered – 10am to 11:30am or 12noon to 1:30pm)



To book a private lesson (max 4 students), you must contact Gary directly at or (206) 948-4457 for weekly availability and times. Choice of 60- or 90-minute lesson times. Monday through Thursdays are subject to weekly availability dependent on Regular Lesson signups.   

·      Cost – 60-minutes = 1 student/$20, 2 /$30, 3/$45, 4/$60

·      Cost – 90-minutes = 1 student/$25, 2 /$40, 3/$60, 4/$80


Friday dates currently available: 

·      Friday, Nov. 8 – 10am to 11:30am

·      Friday, Nov. 8 – 12noon to 1:30pm

·      Friday, Nov. 15 – 12noon to 1:30pm

·      Friday, Nov. 22 – 12noon to 1:30pm

·      Friday, Nov. 29 – THANKSGIVING BREAK

·      Friday, Dec. 6 – 10am to 11:30am

·      Friday, Dec. 6 – 12noon to 1:30pm

·      Friday, Dec. 13 – 12noon to 1:30pm

·      Friday, Dec. 20 – 12noon to 1:30pm

·      Friday, Dec. 27 – CHRISTMAS BREAK

For more information on GQ Pickleball go to CourtReserve - Member Pages - Gary Quantz Drills and Lessons



This video focuses on footwork, an important and often overlooked aspect of the game. It demonstrates the lunge step, shuffle step, drop step and cross step - all of which can be practiced at home before drilling on the courts. Safety first. Always practice and play within your physical capabilities.

Nine Things NOT to Do (😒) and One to Always Do (😊)


1. Don’t reserve more courts than allowed (2 in Prime Time; 4 in non-Prime Time) multiple days in advance of play.  (Give others a chance to reserve.)

2. Don’t invite more than one local non-resident guest (per playing group) during Prime Time.  (Members have priority during Prime Time.)

3. Don’t leave club balls on the courts when finished.  (Balls deteriorate when left out in the hot sun.)

4. Don’t reserve more than two consecutive hours of court time per group.  (You know why.)

5. Don’t leave gates open when finished.  (Desert mammals like our new courts and have been leaving “presents” for us.)

6. Don’t reserve courts for other groups.  (Reserving members should play.)

7. Don’t be a “no show.”  (Cancel reservations for courts that are no longer needed.)

8. Don’t be shy about volunteering.  (QCPC needs volunteers to function.  If you enjoy the club, volunteer.) 

9. Don’t think no one will notice if you willfully ignore QCPC rules.  (Members see you.  Maintain your good reputation.)

Please, always do be considerate of your fellow members!

If you are playing music

While playing pickleball

Please keep the volume low

And make it pleasant for all

~ not Dr. Seuss

Pickleball Eye Protection


Almost every pickleball player will eventually have a slam or hard shot hit them in the face.  Pickleballs can travel as fast as 60 mph, and opposing players at the kitchen lines are only 14 feet away.  The result can be tragic.  QCPC members have suffered direct hits to their eyes causing serious injury.  So far, no one has been blinded or permanently injured.  But this is only a matter of luck. 


Wear eye protection if you don't want to risk retinal detachment, edema, and corneal abrasion.  You can invest in one of the many sports eyeware products available.  Alternatively, standard sunglasses or regular glasses with polycarbonate lenses will help.  Work glasses or goggles (available with clear lenses for night play and many tints for day use) also work well.  Products with very good optical quality are available at prices as low as $20.  

American Academy of Ophthalmology

Pet Policy

Quail Creek POA Rules prohibit pets at the QC Pickleball facility (courts, ramada, sitting areas, etc.) unless they are specifically trained to assist impaired owners.

First Aid Kit and AED in Women's Restrooms

AED/First Aid certification is offered by the

Red Cross and Green Valley Fire Dept, for a fee. Watch a video on how to use the AED.

Next QCPC Meeting

Tuesday, October 8th, 4:00pm

Silver Room at Madera Clubhouse

October Court Closure Schedule - Cleaning and Landscape

Thursday - Oct 3          10AM - 12:30PM        Courts 1-4      & 17-20

Tuesday - Oct 8           7AM - 12PM    Courts 1-16 Landscape and Cleaning

Thursday - Oct 10        10AM - 12:30PM        Courts 5-8      &  21-24

Thursday - Oct 17        10AM - 12:30PM        Courts 9-12    &  25-28

Thursday - Oct 24        10AM - 12:30PM        Courts 13-16  &  29-32

Thursday - Oct 31        10AM - 12:30PM        Courts 1-4      & 17-20

Sahuarita Pickleball and More

(Sports Court Complex Sample Rendering)

After years of deliberation and planning, new architectural renderings of Sahuarita’s first Multigenerational Recreation Center and Sports Court Complex are now available for public view on These are two of the seven recreation and infrastructure projects included on Proposition 403, a general obligation bond package that will appear on the November 2024 General Election ballot for voter approval.

The Sports Court Complex is expected to add dozens of courts for pickleball, handball, racquetball, and gaga ball, with supporting features that could include lighting, seating, and restrooms to be constructed at North Santa Cruz Park.

To view additional renderings and learn more about the bond package, visit

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