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Feb 3, 2024

New Members!

Joel Pizzi

Ken Migdalski

Hyesuk Bellino

Greg Novotny

Ken Migdalski

Larry Staley

Melissa Staley

Toni Zink

Dan Bachman

Lesia Carlock

Daniel Freerksen

Helen Fanucci  

Margaret Armour

Donald Armour 

Applicants for QCPC Officer Board Positions and Chairpersons Needed

The below ‘SECOND REQUEST’ is from our last newsletter looking for a Board positions and key Chairs to fill critical positions for our club.  Since we are a club of volunteers, unfilled positions will have consequences for member benefits.

At our February 13th board meeting we will be discussing the following if we can’t fill the Communications and IT positions:

Communications Chair:

1.     Suspend the newsletter and website updates indefinitely.

2.     Hire a part-time independent contractor using emergency funds.

3.     Discuss raising the dues to afford a longer-term solution.

IT Chair:

1.     Members on their own using CourtReserve help desk.

2.     Hire a part-time independent contractor using emergency funds.

3.     Discuss raising the dues to afford a longer-term solution.


It’s that time of year when we vote in two new QCPC Officer Board positions at our March member’s meeting.  Two officer positions (Vice President and Secretary) will term out on August 31st of this year.  Their replacements will be voted in at the March 21st membership meeting, and they will not start serving until September 1st of this year.  The Board recently assigned a search committee for these two positions. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact me directly at and I will forward your name to this committee.  The descriptions, from our Policy and Procedure manual, are below:

Vice President (Officer Board Position)

The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall, in his/her absence, perform the duties of that office.  The Vice-President will also assume responsibilities as assigned by the Board.

Secretary (Officer Board Position)

The Secretary shall record the minutes of general and special meetings of the membership and Board, shall post the minutes in a timely manner, shall be in charge of all records of the QCPC, other than the Treasurer’s, shall maintain an archive of documents involved in the governance of the QCPC, shall be responsible for correspondence as requested by the members of the Board, shall make available any reports required by the Board, shall give notice of all Board and membership meetings at least 96 hours in advance, and shall include the meeting’s agenda with the notice.

We are also seeking applicants for two Chairperson positions for Communications and Information Technology.  These positions will be appointed by the voting Board members and do not need full membership approval.  Applicants can email me directly at and I will take directly to the Board for discussion and approval. The job descriptions, which also can be found in our Policy and Procedures manual, are below:

Information Technology Chairperson

The Information Technology (IT) Chairperson is the lead administrator for the primary software(s) used by the QCPC for memberships, court reservation, event registration, document distribution, the member directory, report generation and other information. The IT Chairperson ensures that other authorized QCPC system users and sub-administrators have access as needed. He/she is responsible for administering the calendar of events and court reservations and for making seasonal and other operational adjustments when necessary. The IT Chairperson also serves as a technical advisor to Board Members, Chairpersons, and QCPC members on matters pertaining to this software and its functions.


Communications Chairperson

The Communications Chairperson shall oversee publicity, email communications to members and potential members, web-site updates, and postings on the bulletin board at the courts. The Communications Chairperson will submit articles to Quail Creek Crossing and news of events to What’s Happening; send newsletters to the membership monthly, or as needed; coordinate with the Membership Chair for updates; and ensure that the bulletin board is neat and contains up to date information.

Personal Note Regarding Communications Position

If you are interested in this position but worried about the technology aspect of it I will help you with that part. You would be responsible for club emails, bulletin boards, attending meetings, and putting together the newsletter. If you need help with the website or sending the newsletter I will help you with that. You also have options now with club communications, either using WIX for the website and newsletter or using CourtReserve (which has less options but is easier).

Please contact me if you are interested in helping but have questions.

Shireen Kolarik


Pickleball Super Bowl

Mixed Round Robin Social

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Play from 11 AM – 1 PM

Registration 10:15 – 10:45 AM

Well, it’s the KC Chiefs again this year – their opponents are the SF 49ers. Grab your favorite NFL team’s jersey and head on over the PB courts for another fun social. Sign-ups will begin on February 2 at 9:00 PM on Court Reserve.

The Social Committee will provide and cook hotdogs and we’ll ask those of you attending to fill in with side dishes, condiments, chips, snacks and everyone’s favorite ‘desserts’.

There will be a Mixed RR event for 72 players which means there will be 8 byes per game. Players are expected to play all six games. If you sign up and are unable to play that day, please remove your name so that the next person on the waitlist can move up. If you are on the waitlist, be sure to check the morning of February 10 to see if you’ve moved to player status. Signing up for the round robin includes lunch.

Non-players are invited to come watch the games, socialize with us and stay for lunch. You are also encouraged to sign up to bring a food item to share. Please sign up for the LUNCH ONLY event if you will NOT be playing in the round robin.

The QCPC Social is open for all QCPC members to participate in at all skill levels. The goal of the Social and all QCPC events is to have a fun, safe event, so please be aware of who you are playing with and their skill level.

New Scheduled Play Event

Competitive Doubles Ladder


What and When Is This? 

It’s a weekly competitive doubles play using a ladder format starting February 9th (6 8 PM). No sign-up is required.  


How Does the Ladder Format Work? 

Players arrange their own partners (M-M, M-F, or F-F), preferably in advance. Six games will be played with the same partner. If you win, you move up a court. If you lose, you move down a court. 


What’s Special about This? 

As the night progresses, pairs will naturally migrate to courts with appropriately challenging opponents. For most pairs, this will provide a great opportunity to test themselves by “playing up.” One team will finish the evening as “King of the Hill.”  

What Skill Level Is Required?  

Mid-3.0 to 4.0 players. Ratings are not required. For this to work well, 3.0 pairs should at least be reasonably strong, competitive 3.0 players. We hope to have some 4.0 players there every week.  


Why Is This Being Added to Scheduled Play?  

The ladder format is used by many pickleball clubs, and it’s very popular. Also, many QCPC members tell us that they would like opportunities to play better players.  Others want to participate in competitive play without joining a league. APPL players will want to use this to practice for matches.   


Limited to Twelve Doubles Pairs 

We’ll have six courts and up to twelve teams. Arrive early to make sure you get in. 


Player Development is implementing Kitchen Talk on February 17th at 11:00 under the Ramada, adjacent to Court 1. Kitchen Talk will be a monthly lecture by upper level players from our club as well as visiting players in a casual setting. 

Our first guest speaker is Sharon Falor, coach of the Green Valley Recreational Pickleball Club 4.0 team, The Drop Squad.  The Drop Squad is currently 3-0 due in large part to the coaching. Sharon has been playing pickleball since 2010 and completed the Dynamic Doubles coaching certification course. Her love for teaching started early in life and she has coached at every level from secondary to Division 1 Basketball.  

Sharon’s lecture will focus on Pre-Match Warm Up and Game Day Routine.  She will also discuss decision making during APPL Matches including court side; serve and time outs. 

There is no need to sign up for this lecture; however, I would appreciate some of you emailing me at so I have an estimate of attendees.  If you have a specific question you would like answered by Sharon, send it to me and I’ll add it to the lecture agenda.  

Thank you, 

Michelle Skoglund

Player Development 


Weekly 90-minute REGULAR lessons for 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5 level students available (Courts #13 & #14).  Students sign up weekly for classes that best fit their level on COURT RESERVE ($10pp – 8 student max). Weekly 90-minute PRIVATE lessons also available (Court #13) ($20pp – 4 student max). Student(s) must contact me at or to reserve a private lesson spot per week.


MONDAYS – 3.0 Level Drills – Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 @ 11am to 12:30pm ($10pp/8 max)

MONDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 @ 1pm to 2:30pm ($20pp/4 max)

MONDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 @ 2:30pm to 4:00pm ($20pp/4 max)


TUESDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 11am to 12:30pm ($20pp/4 max)

TUESDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 1pm to 2:30pm ($20pp/4 max)

TUESDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 @ 2:30pm to 4:00pm ($20pp/4 max)


WEDNESDAYS – 3.5 Level Drills – Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 @ 11am to 12:30pm ($10pp/8 max)  

WEDNESDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 @ 1pm to 2:30pm ($20pp/4 max)

WEDNESDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 @ 2:30pm to 4pm ($20pp/4 max)


THURSDAYS – 2.5 Level Drills – Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 @ 11am to 12:30pm ($10pp/8 max)

THURSDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 @ 1pm to 2:30pm ($20pp/4 max)

THURSDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 @ 2:30pm to 4pm ($20pp/4 max)


FRIDAYS – 2.0 Level Drills – Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 @ 11am to 12:30pm ($10pp/8 max)

FRIDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 @ 1pm to 2:30pm ($20pp/4 max)

FRIDAYS – Private 90-minute Lessons – Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 @ 2:30pm to 4pm ($20pp/4 max)



2.0 LEVEL – Recently taken and passed our QC Beginning Clinics or have been introduced and begun to play the game elsewhere. Must have some basic knowledge of how to play pickleball and own paddle.

2.5 LEVEL – Has now played pickleball for over a month and has above beginner knowledge of how to play pickleball. Starting to develop and improve upon groundstrokes, serving, dinking, and returning.

3.0 LEVEL – Has played pickleball for about 6 months and now learned most of the basic shots including dinking and volleys and has some experience on game strategy including playing up at the NVZ. 

3.5 LEVEL – Has played pickleball for over 6 months and can hit most shots consistently and accurately. Starting to use the drop shot and learning basic doubles strategies along with getting comfortable playing up at the NVZ.   


* Gary Quantz is our QCPC Player Development Instructor (started in 2021) who is USA Pickleball & PPR certified. He has now taught over 300 of our pickleball club members and attended clinics from pro Riley Newman (Newman Camp) and Helle Sparre (Dynamite Doubles). Current IPTPA 4.0 rating. 

Winter League Games

 APPL Games

Midcourt Crisis

Mixed 3.5 50+

02/16 (H)

Just Dill With It!

01:00 pm


Not Today

Women’s 3.0 65+

02/07 (H)

Highlands Red Hots

01:00 pm


Not Today

Women’s 3.0 65+

02/14 (H)

Volley Llamas

01:00 pm


Quail Creek Leftovers

Men’s 4.0 50+

02/05 (H)

Oro Valley Roadrunners 4.0 50+

01:30 p


Quail Creek Leftovers

Men’s 4.0 50+

02/12 (H)

Pickle Bros. 4.0 50+

01:30 pm


When Pigs Fly

Women’s 4.0 50+

02/08 (H)

a Classy Vlassics 50+

02:00 pm


When Pigs Fly

Women’s 4.0 50+

02/15 (H)

b Gallery GALS 65+

02:00 pm


Next Board Meeting

February 13, 2024


Silver Room

February is American Heart Month

And Pickleball is Good for the Heart!

Court Cleaning

The pickleball courts will be closed for cleaning on the following dates and times. Be sure to consult the online reservation system before heading down to the courts.

  • Thu, Feb 1, 11 AM to 1:30 PM, Courts 1-4

  • Thu, Feb 8, 11 AM to 1:30 PM, Courts 5-8

  • Thu, Feb 15, 11 AM to 1:30 PM, Courts 9-12

  • Thu, Feb 22, 11 AM to 1:30 PM, Courts 13-16

  • No cleaning on Thu, Feb 29

Music by The Who

Lyrics Rewritten by Bill Foraker

Ever since I moved to Quail Creek, I've hit the whiffle ball

From Tucson down to Tubac, I’ve tried to play them all

But I ain't played no one like him, I’ve never seen him fall

That sweet balding old man, Sure plays a mean pickleball!

He moves like David Mungo, It must be those new knees

Never fakes an out call, Always plays it clean

Loves the competition, It’s nice to be that tall

That cute balding old man, Sure plays a mean pickleball!

He's a Pickle Ball Wizard

There’s never time to blink

Pickle Ball wizard,

Got such a sneaky dink

How do you think he does it? I don't know!

What makes him so good?

He ain't got no distractions, Can't hear those hollers and yells

Removes those ugly hearing aids, plays by sense of smell

Always gets a short ball, Like playing against a wall

That odd looking old man, Sure plays a mean pickleball!

I thought I was the mini tennis king

But I just handed my winner sash to him

Even on my favorite home court, He can beat my best

He offers me the first serve, Then he just does the rest

He's got crazy drives and drop shots, He must drink alcohol

That goofy lookin’ old man, Sure plays a mean pickleball!


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